Mid-September and still sewing sleeveless. I'm thinking this cotton print fabric will go well with this Kwik Sew dress pattern. I've not been one to make muslins, but a sleek fit on this bodice would be nice, and so I'm working out any fitting issues in advance.
Either I am shrinking or I have finally learned about choosing the correct pattern size to best match my measurements. In fact, I've gone down one whole pattern size and, so far, have had good results. It's true; most patterns require some tweaking to get a good fit for the best results. Plus, I have learned the difference of high bust vs. full bust measurements, and how to use all the information that's printed on the pattern and pattern envelope. Who knew I was one whole size off track?
For all the fuss put into making a garment, it is most encouraging when the darned thing fits, after all is said and done. Putting in this attention to fitting detail has made all the difference. Since this epiphany of mine, relating to pattern fitting, I have wanted to sew more and more (and more).